Would you like a rapid analysis of your body (adult or child) ?
*** Ideal Body Stats ***
This configurable application (Kilograms/Pounds/Stones, Cm/Ft) allows you to :
• calculate easily your Ideal Weight using different formulas.
• calculate easily your Body mass index (BMI) Adult or child (beetween 2 and 20 years old).
• calculate easily your body fat index (BFI).
• calculate easily your body surface area (BSA).
• Save and Export synthesis by email.
BMI for children 2 to 20 years old is calculated using data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Contol).
Do not hesitate to give a rating on android market to show your satisfaction.
tag: BMI Calculator, BFI, BSA, peso ideale, bmi, peso, calcolatrice, la dieta, l'ideale, l'obesità, il sovrappeso, massa, imperiale, le unità metriche, corpo, bambini, bmi, obesità bambini, bambino.